
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Target Score!

I love Target! I have never gone in and walked out empty handed. 

Today I scored big time with my trip! I knew that fabric bins were on sale and I wanted to pick up a few for the cubbies in the kids rooms (purchased on clearance in the spring!). But oh man did I hit the jackpot!

Of course my first stop in Target was to pick up what I was hoping would be at least one more Caramel Brûlée Latte before they disappeared till next year. ANYWAYS....after I got that delicious beverage in hand I rounded the corner and the first aisle I came upon was bins on Clearance! Yes! My husband was at the other end of the store so I grabbed 6 big round fabric bins and then then 4 square cubby bins I originally came in for!

After going for a few other items I wanted to check the actual aisles where the bins were kept to see if there was anything I had missed and my favorite plastic Target bins were also on Clearance! (I'm really hoping they're getting new ones in different colors) So I took the only 4 white ones they had left!

Check out my loot below.

The haul. The 6 fabric round bins were $3.14 each and the white plastic bins were $6.98. Can't forget a new binder for managing bills for 2014. (I have to make it fun somehow)

This is only half full of Duplo Legos it is massive for only $3.41.

Have you found any great deals lately?


  1. Isn't Target great!!! I love that place!!! I regularly go there on my lunch hour just to walk around and get inspiration for the house!!! And it never fails that something I've been eyeing eventually ends up on sale!!! I hardly ever pay full price for something there!!! And those big fabric bins seem so versatile!! Great catchalls!!!
